Their English accents are basically dreadful, and periodically mercifully forgotten.
One of these dishes - I've mercifully forgotten which - came with a forlorn and flavorless morel, soggy from too much soaking.
It reveals everything, including what has been mercifully forgotten.
Alaska historian Stephen Haycox has said many of Beach's works are "mercifully forgotten today."
As the very stars had circled into new patterns, they had mercifully forgotten... forgotten much.
She had slept for awhile and had mercifully forgotten, but now it all came back.
And the question from hospital officials, a psychiatrist or two....Ronnie being questioned, after he had mercifully forgotten about the whole thing ... no.
He'd had to suffer through two semesters of physics in medical school, and had mercifully forgotten all of it.
It had mercifully forgotten the mysterious password in the headstrong chip now lying on my desk.
Mr. Brown claims to have "mercifully forgotten" his own salary.