We recognise that God's merciful love is infinite, eternal and embraces all things.
Above all, he enlarges on the reaction of the son's father, who welcomes him with unbounded merciful love, rather than a mere insistence on justice.
As a theological concept, "grace" refers to the merciful love God bestows upon sinful humanity.
To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice.
How boundless your merciful love!
"Let us ask the Lord to come to our brother with His merciful love, and grant him relief through this holy anointing."
It is the movement of a "contrite heart," drawn and moved by grace to respond to the merciful love of God who loved us first.
The moonlit night was extraordinary, like merciful love or the gift of clairvoyance.
The Lord is telling us that if it wasn't for his merciful love, we could all be born looking like something that hops around in the slime.
Jegudiel is also known as the bearer of God's merciful love and also angel over Friday.