It is one of the few surviving sources that describes Jewish merchants known as Radhanites.
He opposed the oligarchs with a pressure group of merchants and artisans known as La Busca.
Players can visit merchants known as Spivs to buy additional ammo and services and get advice from Winston the Ghost.
These merchants, known locally as A-rabs, are enormously unpopular in the black community.
Diomed, A rich, dyspeptic merchant known in Pompeii for his lavish banquets.
Indian merchants, known as Banyan became active in exporting pearls from Bahrain to Mumbai.
A significant group of merchants known only as the "Sakai Merchants" had also been known to conspirate with the royal families against spanish rule.
Historically, Leipzig is a city of merchants rather than aristocrats, better known for its banks than for Bach.
They are a civilization of human merchants known as the "Tlulaxa", who specialize in slaves and replacement organs.
In 1616 merchants known as the Rochelais from La Rochelle were the first Europeans to spend the winter.