Many residents and merchants choose to avoid this route simply because of the Welsh mountain of which the highway was paved upon.
That's because if merchants cannot trade their credits for what they want and always choose the cash, the program could run into trouble, says Mr. Swanson.
Indian merchants chose to start their own organisations such as the Madras Trades Association.
The merchants usually choose some young boys for training, that in the future could be a prospective sun in law, and teach them the merchant practice.
I found that each merchant chose a particular nest, and took his chance of what he might find in it.
The merchants and storekeepers chose their lots on the planned wider streets leading from the main piazzas.
Not only government leaders and residents but also some shopkeepers are unhappy with the styles that other merchants have chosen for their storefronts.
(There are interviews with local inhabitants which indicate that two merchants did not relocate, but chose to stay in Jordon).
This means that a provider would not waive this fee if a merchant chose to have a "paperless" statement.
It is too pat to say, as did Mansfield, that merchants will chose definiteness over 'whether the rule is established one way or the other'.