The menu mixes serious cooking - truffle crab espresso, blackened barramundi - with Bobby's natural goofiness.
The menu mixes the classic range of kababs with some less familiar dishes - turkey kabab and mushroom steak, for example.
The menu mixes Bulgarian and international styles (003592 9835581,
Working with the existing buildings, the study offers a menu of ways to mix black, white, Hispanic and Asian students to achieve racial balance.
The menu mixes traditional favorites and Hamptonized adaptations.
The menu mixes nonethnic favorites like rack of lamb with sparkling Greek standards.
The menu mixes Indian, Tibetan and Nepali foods.
The menu mixes Middle Eastern, Uzbek and Thai.
The modest menu mixes its signature spices with a variety of meats or straight veg.
The menu mixes Italian and French flavours and changes every day depending on the availability of local ingredients.