And like Viola, she soon discovers disguise can be a wickedness, not to mention the source of all sorts of plot complications.
For unfathomable reasons, Mr. Murray Rose does not mention the source of these papers.
"But he didn't mention the exact source."
However, Appian's sources remain uncertain, as he only mentions the source of his information under special circumstances.
We mentioned the source, we showed how it looked in the original article.
Since the author of the article does not mention the source of the information, it cannot be taken to be a historical fact.
Besides, he everywhere mentioned the source, the changes he made in his script and why these are necessary.
"Did Willis mention the source of his stress?"
Such reports had come from Earl Long, who was then temporarily estranged from Dodd, but Passman never mentioned the source.
Mentioning the source, etc. of the quoted material is generally considered as appropriate.