If you know of a relatively unknown but nonetheless enjoyable blog, feel free to mention it in the comments.
Kay's Bar, mentioned in the comments, is the same as it ever was - bloody great if you can stand all the old rugby boys.
If there's some particular aspect of blogging you think should be discussed, feel free to mention it in the comments.
Also turn off any recognition option(s) as already mentioned in the comments.
Peirene Press, already mentioned in the comments, is another example of an independent doing sterling work in this area.
I also think that some of the omitted objects mentioned in the comments may be beautiful, but are they as recognizable?
If you know of any more, do mention them in the comments.
Leasing the batteries gets round some of the problems mentioned in the comments.
Well Bosnia was left out of the list but it is mentioned in the comments.
Feel free to mention your favorites in the comments.