The role played by the item in the strongbox naturally was not mentioned in his account.
However, there are dozens of names mentioned in Nilus's account; how do we single out this monk?
Froissart wrote that the dancers were chained together, which is not mentioned in the Monk's account.
They were often equipped with the full-face masks mentioned by Arrian in his account.
Yet, you don't mention his death in your account.
It was not mentioned in Ernest Jones's brief account of the congress and received no public discussion.
Who are the first scholars Krugman mentions in his account?
This agrees with the three-year time fram of his pondering on religion mentioned in Smith's 1832 account.
The brook thought to be the one mentioned in Jadhavrao's account lies nearby and corroborates well with this theory.
Naturally, then, priestly ahmenob are not yet mentioned in Landa's account.