The story mentions several public figures that were commonly known at the time of first publication, but are not as well known today.
You mention "often exaggerated" figures of "Indian atrocities."
The sagas sometimes mention small figures that can be kept in a purse.
The recording is about 50 minutes long and mentions other prominent figures of the Chavismo and their corrupt dealings.
"Don't anybody mention hooded figures, or I think I'll faint."
Then Kodiak mentioned bulk figures for finished leathers that nearly made Hrrto drop his jaw.
Herodotus does not mention specific figures for casualties, merely saying that losses were heavy on both sides.
While it did not mention specific figures, it cited such areas as pension funding, minimum salaries and squad size.
Mr Van den Berg has just mentioned figures showing the worldwide situation.
I know that it goes against all the rules of rhetoric to mention figures, but at this stage I also have to do just that.