My mention of the book and the scope had elicited nothing from him.
Just the mention of Rory McIlroy's name elicited a smile from Caroline Wozniacki .
We found Charlotte/ Ger reported, the mention of the name eliciting a sob from Alison.
Now, parents say, the mention of its name, or the wearing of a Mepham sweatshirt outside the community, can elicit crude and dismissive remarks.
The mention of shoes elicited loud applause.
The fear the mere mention of their name can elicit is often used by Kovacs to threaten and intimidate.
For some residents today, a mention of Daniel Rakowitz elicits only a bewildered frown.
Whereas, over in the Pollyanna camp, any mention of the holiday island elicited fond smiles.
For millions of American kids, the mention of gym still elicits a groan.
The mere mention of the condom elicits snickers from many otherwise mature adults.