A mentally troubled man bounced from person to person.
The cartoon revolves around the eponymous Salad Fingers, a thin, green, mentally troubled man who inhabits a desolate world.
Camille takes them to the Bouldeston Institution for the mentally troubled tots and teens.
As part of its task, the bureau helps physically or mentally troubled New Yorkers to get back on their feet, and stay there.
Is not our grossly inappropriate incarceration of mentally troubled children a human rights abuse?
Sam, a mentally troubled man, is suddenly empowered with the ability to leave his physical body in "ghost" form and manipulate people in strange and disturbing ways.
Mary Anderson was the star of the season as a mentally troubled young woman who wreaks havoc on a vacation household.
With horror she realized that Ballantine must have thought she was the mentally troubled person, not Thomas.
He has played a mentally troubled guy who is suspicious of his wife.
But he never did any evaluations of mentally troubled inmates, the report said.