Crouched in the undergrowth, he mentally rehearsed his plan of action.
Participants may find themselves mentally rehearsing the string of digits as they appear on screen; this is the rehearsal system in action.
First, 3-D images help them locate Sandra's blood vessel and mentally rehearse the operation.
"What's important is just that it recreates the visual context in which the athletes mentally rehearse their moves."
Gina sat forward, raising a hand momentarily as if mentally rehearsing herself to get this right.
To others, visualization seems patently obvious; those who mentally rehearse a skill in advance are obviously going to do better, they say.
Primed and ready, Worf found himself breaking into a run as he mentally rehearsed his various attack strategies.
Now he mentally rehearsed the landing maneuver.
I'm not here to talk about fashion, she rehearsed mentally.
"Just a minute," Jaxom replied, holding up one hand as he mentally rehearsed the procedure for altering the view on the main screen.