This may be exacerbated by their mental frailty or by their neglected appearance (a vicious circle in this context) or by sensory deficits such as deafness.
And so it was after such repeated failed business transactions that he began to suffer from extreme depression and eventually show symptoms of mental frailty.
Other causes may be mental frailty and diarrhoea caused by food poisoning, as old people are more susceptible to food poisoning through salmonella and listeria organisms.
There are many degrees of mental frailty or disturbance, ranging from mild confusion to Alzheimers disease.
Mental strength or mental frailty?
In the last two years of his life, fighting growing mental frailty, Rabbi Henoch retired from effective leadership, but kept up religious activities such as officiating at weddings and the like.
Not since 1986 had the five-time champion Steffi Graf, who accused herself of mental frailty after losing to Amanda Coetzer, failed to advance beyond the quarterfinals.
His childhood was fatherless and poverty-stricken, his mother suffered from mental frailties and Joel himself was forced into paupery.
She experienced increasing hearing problems, depression, and mental frailty in the 1950s.
The jester's spindly legs, crossed eyes and loose grin indicate both physical and mental frailties, but dignity prevails.