Factors like age, mental duress or the presence of an accomplice can weigh either for or against the death penalty.
The candidates are placed in a highly stressful environment where they are tested on their ability to identify and react to threats, weapons safety, and decision making under physical and mental duress.
A senior military official said that while Mr. Hall was under "no physical duress to sign the statement," he was under some "mental duress, as would be natural."
There were intelligence officers whose goal was to squeeze information from detainees, even if it meant placing them under mental or physical duress.
Any kind of physical, emotional or mental duress constitutes violence.
We swear that this deposition is true and not rendered under physical or mental duress.
"Lieutenant, anything my client says under physical and mental duress is inadmissible."
No operant child can exert mental duress upon a parent.
Eventually, Clarissa manages to escape from the brothel but becomes dangerously ill due to the mental duress of many months caused by "the vile Lovelace."
"I wanted to establish that he had been under extreme mental duress."