Is it a fear of death, illness or mental disintegration?
Former Australian captain Steve Waugh referred to the practice as 'mental disintegration'.
The experience seemed to set up a progressive mental disintegration which produced first insanity, then paralysis, and, within a few months, death.
Even Medical Sister Yohsa had not suspected the extent of Anirul's mental disintegration.
The story of his mental disintegration is one of the novel's several major narrative strands.
Essentially a one-handed comedy-drama, it depicted the gradual mental disintegration of an out-of-work actor.
What an Earthman would call sleep or a dream, a Hawkinsite would view as an alarming sign of mental disintegration.
But the Schumanns' union falls increasingly under the thrall of Robert's mental disintegration.
An experience she had in 1978 seemed to be both the moment that gave her strength to go on and the real start of her mental disintegration.
The narrator explains how terrible their situation is, and goes on to give detail of Wolfe's mental disintegration.