Instantly, the old mental atmosphere of Quarters clicked into place around Complain.
Continuous war preserves the special mental atmosphere which a hierarchical society needs, for the Higher order to maintain power.
But I felt already a change in the mental atmosphere surrounding me, and all through supper I was thrilled with a secret exultation.
The mental atmosphere was rife with denial--comb no one could dispute the proof before their eyes.
Everything has some kind of a mental atmosphere.
And in fact the subject matter ofthebook, and to a certain extent its mental atmosphere, belong to the twenties rather than to the thirties.
Even when physical incidents of this kind are not occurring, the mental atmosphere of these books is always the same.
Everybody realized that even the explosion had not cleared the teacher's mental atmosphere.
I went around in another mental atmosphere for quite some time after that.
The collective mental atmosphere of the temple ate at his psyche.