And now there was only the menacing silence.
The whole scene, the men, the menacing silences, were too much.
It was Bratser that broke the menacing silence.
A German soldier followed him and stood over him in menacing silence.
The menacing silence was broken when 'a snow-dappled man standing next the factor said, "Tell him!
Its loud report broke the menacing silence that had overhung the river like a pall.
There was a moment of menacing silence as Cliff and his companion awaited the attack that was sure to come.
All of these things were utterly unparalleled, but the stillness was a hush instead of a menacing silence.
As their errors, losses, throwaways grew far too numerous to name, A menacing silence fell upon the veteran patrons of the game.
Later they hear shots, and then there is a menacing silence.