At that moment, a warning pressure reminded him of its menacing presence.
Though they knew she wouldn't hurt them, that lady is a menacing presence at best.
The man knew he should not run, but it was hard to slow down to a walk with that menacing presence so close.
The Indians stepped forward until the entire settlement was aware of their presence, silent and menacing.
I can 'feel' a menacing presence from time to time, Johnny added grimly.
The actor must bellow to simulate a menacing presence that simply is not among his many gifts.
He was the same height as Ulvian, but his powerful physique and menacing presence made him seem much larger.
After taking it home, he finds out that his wife is pregnant, and that they both feel the statue's menacing presence.
They still felt the menacing presence of an evil entity watching over them.
She'd felt no menacing presence today, felt no watchful eyes on her back.