The cart made another menacing move toward him and he retreated again.
Sewickley made a menacing move up the rail to draw within a length after six furlongs in 1:09.47, but the leader had plenty left.
Iraqi diplomats suggest that Baghdad's menacing military moves were meant to cut through this Security Council deadlock.
Scott and Sulu made a menacing move, Scott lifting the phaser.
It was not an overtly menacing move, just a subtle reminder of Tuvok's position as chief of security.
But the man made no menacing moves.
Again the captain made a menacing move forward; again he was halted by a wordless command.
Somehow the inactivity, the lack of any menacing move from the man they feared, redoubled their anxiety.
But the Power made no menacing move.
Play the King made a brief, menacing move and then Love That Mac circled from last place, but the winner was in complete command.