The holo display glowed with menacing letters "We'll slip in to shore between the fourth and fifth decoys . . . about eight hours from now."
His election as Doge was unpopular, and he was the subject of numerous menacing letters at the time.
There are Salinger "crazies" out there, Ms. Salinger says, who have written menacing letters to her family.
The book is a national success but the residents of the town, unhappy with what they view as Webber's distorted depiction of them, send the author menacing letters and death threats.
A menacing letter was despatched by Sunderland-respectful explanations were returned, but the university showed no sign of compliance, nor suggested a compromise.
The art of writing humorless and vaguely menacing letters must surely be taught in law school.
But the nearer Aaron came, the more hate mail he received - menacing letters threatening to kill him should he, a black man, dare to supersede Ruth.
Buckler was found to have sent the Halls menacing letters in November 2005.