Offsetting this menacing aspect was the whimsical phase of the situation.
The menacing aspect of the large pistol had the virtue of restoring some of the men's lost humanity.
The pointed ears and ascending eyebrows, combined with a cruel sneer, lent him a very menacing aspect.
Even its menacing aspects don't faze her.
The black clothing he wore gave him a menacing aspect, as did the two black pistols, tied low.
But if you walk down the stairs to the bottom level, the 27-foot-tall structures take on a menacing aspect.
The low bellowing of these bulls, and their menacing aspect as they look down from their rocky height, give additional wildness to the savage scenery.
Only its foreparts possessed a menacing aspect; when this creature retreated, it would be harmless.
They ran with a delicious sense of danger, as the shadows lengthened and deepened, casting a decid- edly menacing aspect to the woods.
Much better realized is the Ninth, its dark, menacing aspect stressed as vividly as its whimsy.