Now that Tommy is back in town, long-buried tensions and memories resurface.
Kaschik's life before the illness remains a mystery to him, though on occasion, memories do resurface.
A troubling memory resurfaces: the night of a village gathering, a "boxed supper" to raise money for the church.
She had almost forgotten it, but in the severity of her need, the memory of the training resurfaced.
Morok looked a bit shaken, as if suppressed memories had suddenly resurfaced.
The friends go through twisted halls, and old, repressed memories resurface.
However, the memories might resurface on their own or after being triggered by something in the person's surroundings.
But as those memories resurfaced, I felt like a burn victim whose raw nerve ends are suddenly exposed to air.
On this anniversary date and on my birthday, these are the strengths that support me when the dark memories resurface.
He hadn't anticipated the force with which his bitter memories would resurface.