When a process ends, all of the memory and resources associated with it are deallocated so they can be used by other processes.
When the spirit returns to the earth atmosphere, it picks up the memory associated with its last time on the physical plane.
They menace cherished landmarks and the memories associated with them.
They decide that he should not be committed; instead, Charlie moves to a new apartment, leaving behind the painful memories associated with his former home.
Minidumps - includes only selected parts of the memory associated with a process.
It is no accident that the memories associated with a traumatic event can be summoned so vividly.
So what's the fond memory associated with this lock of Buck's hair?
Indeed, there is a degree of improvement in memory associated with folate treatment.
The messages became forever linked to the pleasant memories associated with the entertainment.
A souvenir is an object a traveler brings home for the memories associated with it.