They often have excellent memorization skills needed for reading and spelling.
She has an IQ of 168, plus excellent concentration and memorization skills.
While very intelligent, Moses had poor memorization skills and as a result would not be accepted into a medical school in the United States.
Test your memorization skills with games from the World Memory Championship.
Minogue recorded the song in less than an hour, which Stock attributes to her good ear for music and her quick memorization skills.
Children who are small for their age have an edge, however, because they may have the memorization skills and maturity that younger children may lack.
The programs offered incorporate the strong work ethic, strict discipline, memorization skills, and drive for excellence developed over a millennium in China's educational system.
The combination gradually got more complex each round, requiring both memorization skills and speed in order to beat the other team.
Nor did she become a concert pianist, as she had dreamed; her memorization skills weren't too good.
It took lots of practice, good memorization skills, and a rather fine sense of control.