As he memorably put it to Harry Guntrip, 'You know about "being active", but not about "just growing, just breathing"'.
As one memorably puts it:
As Churchill memorably put it, America in 1945 stood "at the summit of the world," a position that it has continued to occupy ever since.
Or as Moe memorably puts it, "I got a yen for her, and I don't mean a Chinee coin."
Woody is a Cowboy (or, as Buzz memorably puts it, El Vaquero).
(Some caribou even like to "snuggle up next to the pipeline," as President Bush's father memorably put it in his 1988 presidential campaign.)
The women because ... well, as one breathlessly, memorably puts it, "I just love those buns!"
Or, as W. himself so memorably put it after John McCain attacked him in the primary: "You can't take the high horse and claim the low road."
As my colleagues on the Live page memorably put it: 'it's row back time'.