"I don't think that would be such a memorable sight," she replied.
It is, quite simply, one of the most impressive and memorable sights in all of Kyoto.
Each time they located a memorable sight, Joe entered its position on a holographic map.
Astronomers also found the comet a memorable sight.
The walk begins at high altitude, perhaps 2,000 feet, so the ascent is minimal, with memorable sights along the way.
It is a memorable, majestic sight, and yet at the same time, not an especially daunting one.
The trip from the field to the secluded hotel is along a two-lane highway that can feature memorable sights.
Although common, one of the most memorable sights (and sounds!)
After a few minutes, the river disappeared into a thicket of rotted trees-a memorable sight they had not seen earlier.
Tell us about your most memorable natural sight in the comments section.