He voted with The Mountain for the king's execution "without appeal and without delay", and closed his speech with a memorable sentence:
On Sunday, Frank Rich wrote this memorable sentence:
He summed up his perspective in one memorable sentence: "Principles don't change but our perceptions of the world around us and the need for those principles do."
The 1992 debates, in which all three candidates recited polished sound bites no matter what the question or format, produced not a single memorable sentence, let alone idea.
Among the memorable sentence types brought forward in class to challenge instructors and the Chart were:
Here's a memorable sentence: "We have more will than wallet; but will is what we need."
In his 1988 campaign, Mr. Bush's tax policy was stated in one memorable sentence, "Read my lips: no new taxes."
My definition of a truly junky novel is one in which the reader cannot come across even one memorable sentence.
Borges, impressed with the "memorable" sentence, asks for its source.
Amsel's father had underlined memorable sentences with a red pencil, with the frequent marginal comment: "Very true!"