He wrote memorable lyrics for well-known pop singers and bands in Tirana, and had his own share of rock scene with his band, as a front man.
One reason "Ol' Man River" is a powerful, memorable lyric is that there's no rhyme until the eighth and 10 th lines.
The song's memorable lyrics include:
The song contains the memorable lyrics: "I was faced with a choice at a difficult age / Would I write a book?
Padmadhar Chaliha, the poet-composer of some memorable lyrics inspired by the freedom movement wrote around 1921 an introduction and called the Bihu songs pastoral poetry.
In 1979, she released "7ème", best known for the single "Ma révérence", a tragic ballad with memorable lyrics, that has become one of her most popular songs.
Each album was noted for its inventive music and memorable lyrics.
A memorable (if controversial) lyric from the song was "I can make a Sprite can disappear in my mouth."
He wrote some of the most memorable lyrics in our language, at least 16 plays and, through 30 years, dozens of masques for the royal court.
The song received positive reviews, with critics noting the music's sound and memorable lyrics.