This memoir contained the results of Coulomb's experiments on the torsional force for metal wires.
By strict standards, therefore, the memoirs must contain much that can only be regarded as fiction.
Though the memoirs contain some photographs, none date to earlier than 1988 or validate any of the remarkable episodes he claims from his past.
Her memoirs contain no trace of mental abnormality.
Not surprisingly, Hillary's memoirs contain not one single word about the pardons.
Both author and publisher acknowledge that this memoir contains numerous fabrications.
Each memoir contains a memorable portrait of a monstrous figure who dominated the author's childhood.
And memoirs never contain opinions about events not directly observed do they?
But the editors of the list have added a note saying: "Both author and publisher acknowledge that this memoir contains numerous fabrications."
De Silva's memoirs contain a great deal of detailed information relating to Persian geography, history and culture.