Lady Avon was 87 when her memoir appeared in 2007.
At first, the memoir appears to be the usual story of a young American trying to adapt to a very foreign culture.
His enthusiasm for communism soured by the time his memoirs appeared in 1931.
Ten days after Charles's execution, a memoir purporting to be written by the king appeared for sale.
Her memoir, The Importance of Music to Girls, appeared in 2007.
The first memoir, which described the Edinburgh district, appeared in 1861.
The relatively simple geology of the Orkneys was completed in 3 years and the memoir appeared in 1935.
The memoirs will also appear online by the summer of 2008.
The scroll's accusation wasn't even new when Lee's memoir appeared.
Although this memoir appears to be crowded with people, they are merely shadows of the author's experience.