Another memo summarizes audience reaction to a test screening of "Judge Dredd," a science-fiction movie starring Sylvester Stallone as a heavily armed policeman who dispenses street justice in a lawless futuristic city.
The memo summarizes a 1988 board meeting and says that "as a result of the MasterCard/Visa Entree joint debit card effort, MasterCard agreed to remove the II from its MasterCard II debit card and Visa the Electron mark from its debit card."
A memo this year from a Humboldt-Toiyabe law-enforcement agent summarized 21 felonies and 52 misdemeanors that had been referred to the Justice Department since 1990 without result.
The memo, dated Jan. 14, summarized a teleconference involving military officials and participants in the air fleet.
But the Washington Post reported that an October 9, 2003 memo summarized a meeting between General Geoffrey Miller and his staff and Vincent Cassard of the ICRC; it acknowledged that camp authorities were not permitting the ICRC to have access to Khadr and three other detainees, due to "military necessity".
The memo summarizes the terrorist threat from al Qaeda, including the September 11 attacks, and states that interrogation of al Qaeda operatives led to the stopping of Jose Padilla's planned attack.
Van Zandt handed Cal a document--a memo, no doubt, summarizing the will--and Cal solemnly began.
In a memo to Police Commissioner Benjamin Ward summarizing his annual report, Chief Sullivan said the increased arrests "should serve as a warning to every level of supervision."
The memo summarizes Bernstein's F.B.I. file and guesses at the content of "Mass." It takes note of Bernstein's meeting with Daniel Berrigan, a left-wing Catholic priest who had been imprisoned for destroying draft files, and passes along speculation that Berrigan might be writing subversive messages-in Latin-for the libretto of "Mass":
If anybody believes that the failure of these drives is anything but your-" "The third memo," Sanders said, "summarizes cost savings from the Operations Review Unit.