(A human rights bureau official responded with a memo reminding him that the Serbs had committed the "overwhelming majority" of the atrocities.)
They have memos to tell them what to do and memos reminding them about those memos.
I added a detailed memo reminding Him of the kind of luck I'd been having for the last twenty years, and broadly hintitig that consistency was the something-or-other of small Minds.
Coleman started with the papers, a hodgepodge of bills, magazines, memos reminding the writer of various engagements initials taking the place of names-and numerous personal letters, many sent from the Continent.
Indeed, during the first round of bankruptcies induced by Sept. 11, the Department of Transportation issued a memo reminding carriers that that when they make major changes in schedules or itineraries, affected passengers are entitled to a full refund.
The board caused a stir in political circles in January when it issued a memo reminding municipal employees of the ethical rules for taking part in campaigns, which included a new admonition against lobbying by political consultants.
In September 2010, the Associated Press issued an internal memo reminding its reporters that "combat in Iraq is not over", and "U.S. troops remain involved in combat operations alongside Iraqi forces, although U.S. officials say the American combat mission has formally ended".
"And the memos reminding me I failed to answer the previous memo."
About 25 pieces of fan mail, wrapped in a rubber band, sit unopened on the top shelf, just above a memo reminding him of a physical examination that he should have completed Wednesday.