The memo starts with a backgrounder on the Internet in general, and then proposes a strategy on how to turn Windows into the next "killer app" for the Internet:
A memo circulated among state environmental officials recently proposed eliminating the deadline if electric car technology did not reach certain standards - standards that environmentalists say are impossibly high.
The memo also proposed that Israel "make the necessary arrangements" for the sale of 4,000 TOW missiles to Iran.
An internal memo sent to Wal-Mart's board proposes numerous ways to hold down spending on health care and other benefits while seeking to minimize damage to the retailer's reputation.
The memo proposed incorporating physical activity in all jobs and promoting health savings accounts.
(572) Addressed to "Handsome" and bearing the subject line "The New Deal," the faux memo proposed a visit that evening after "everyone else goes home."
Mr. Egan's memo also proposes that: the board set minimum academic standards and the criteria to evaluate each school's performance, but campuses could set higher entrance standards and course requirements.
In a 1946 memo to the BBC proposing the program, he wrote: "It will be a weekly personal letter to a Briton by the fireside.
The memo proposed a reorganization of the entire campaign staff as well as changes in strategy.
The memo proposed halting negotiations with the government or breaking up the firm.