Chilling injury occurs at 0-10 degrees Celsius, as a result of membrane damage, metabolic changes, and toxic buildup.
The hydrophobic tail is important in causing membrane damage, suggesting a detergent-like mode of action.
This was supposed to lead to extensive membrane damage caused by a highly reactive chemical species, called 'free-radicals'(Nature, vol 298, p 608).
So there was a good deal of membrane damage through osmotic pressure.
Both lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress can cause membrane damage.
Whether Hyal-2 causes mitochondrial membrane damage is unknown.
Extensive structural membrane damage to bacteria was noted after being exposed to copper.
She was most concerned about internal membrane damage, it could prove a problem unless treated swiftly.
TisB does not affect transcription and translation directly in vitro, so these effects are thought to be downstream consequences of membrane damage.
The anti-sickling drug lawsone (2-OH-1,4-naphthoquinone) protects sickled cells against membrane damage.