Over the years membership ranged anywhere from five to nine schools.
There are at least 400 bicycle clubs in America, with membership ranging from 10 to 4,000 members.
However, there were also contributing memberships, ranging from $1 to $2.50, made available to the general public.
Its membership has ranged between 45 and 60 musicians.
There are approximately 130 communities, with membership ranging from 65,000 to as low as 100 individuals.
The membership ranges in price from $5 to $50 a month, and provides the members with subscription to rabble.
Now its membership, by invitation only, ranges across the ideological and geographic spectrum.
An annual membership ranged from $35 to $50 and then the charge for insurance was about twice what was available commercially.
The cult's ranks swelled, with estimates of its peak membership ranging from 1,000 to 4,000.
Most of these groups have a membership ranging from circa one thousand to tens of thousands.