Please enjoy full membership privilege while we process your account'.
Members of the brigade receive similar membership privileges as the Travis 250 members but are annual memberships and must be renewed each year.
Supporting Members have all the membership privileges except for the following: rights to vote, to be elected, to recall, and to resolve.
Local medical societies may reprimand doctors, expel them, suspend their membership privileges or refer their cases to the licensing authorities.
Additional membership privileges and benefits, including special club events, and access to resort amenities, spas and fitness centers.
A senior member is effectively retired from the day to day government of the Academy but retains all other membership privileges.
Life Members enjoy the same membership privileges they had before becoming Life Members.
The Clinton Birthplace Foundation offers full membership privileges to those who pay only $10.00 per year.
The Club has reciprocal membership privileges with over 240 clubs worldwide.
In 1998, non-citizens were permitted full membership privileges, thereby extending a more inviting, inclusive image to the organization.