The Democrats had majority control of the Senate in 1913, but they struggled to keep their members organized and united.
Without a genuine European identity, the EU cannot project a coherent foreign policy, except on selected issues where its members unite.
It is far from clear that all 15 members will unite behind the new proposals.
Jacob Moon is a member of the Songwriters Unite!
It is actually exactly like a Worship Service only larger, the members unite daily for classes, and sometimes there are more than one groups (ex.
Six members of the band have recently united again (2012) to play at some dances and festivals.
The combination of 5, 0, and 1 symbolizes "five members united as one forever".
All four members of the cast unite in "In and Out of the Light," which concludes the program.
However, former members of the two bands united to form new Cardiff alternative rock band Future of the Left.
The members unite every Sunday for morning worship and praise.