Soon, members were sailing their yachts from New Orleans to Point Clear, Ala.
Lady Torin, her four children, and the principal members of her late husband's entourage had already sailed, in disgrace, for the mainland.
The next morning, the members of Castner's Cutthroats sailed on a yacht from Anchorage to the Aleutian Islands.
In 1866, three members of Allen's family sailed for Europe.
Mu'awiyah and other surviving members of the Yazid's family sailed to Bahrayn, then near Kirman.
Most members sail in the 200-250 acre area south of the club house and launch slipways.
Condent and forty other members of his crew sailed to the island of Bourbon where they negotiated with the governor for a French pardon.
The yacht club has 1460 members and 350 mainly sail boats in the register.
Fifteen members of the cruise line's special California-based cleanup crew sailed on the ship yesterday.
Its first members sailed for the war in November 1914.