If a pastor became lax or corrupt, the members could replace him.
These new members replace programs that perform the worst.
Lindsay is the newest member of the show, replacing the last "girl" Monica.
Today, the Sphere Project has taken on a new form, with an expanded board of 14 members replacing the project's management committee.
The group gains new members to replace the fatalities.
This member replaced one of the nominated officials, so that the official and unofficial members each numbered eight.
During the late 70s, the group released several albums that were moderately successful, during which new members replaced the original ones.
The four newly elected members of the board replace half of the existing members.
Banks returned and became the fifth member, replacing Bailey as guitarist, on 26 July 1968.
Over the last several months, some members had been hurt or rotated back to their parent services, and new members had replaced them.