Following an extended tour through 1975-1976, each member of the group released his own solo album.
In March 2013, the original three members released their first album of all new material in 22 years.
It was the first time that all current members of a rock band had released solo albums on the same day.
The remaining members of the group later released the following statement: "108 has not broken up.
Since 2009, members of the site's community have released a several tribute/cover albums as free downloads.
Both members have released albums since to great success.
Between 1975 and 1976, each member of the band released a solo album.
Shoes also includes tracks which members of the group had released on their various "solo" projects.
But members of the immigration board have so far released 2 of the 19 on bond.
The crew's six members have collectively released over twenty solo and side projects.