Cast members did not usually rehearse before recording scenes, but it was reported they had spent forty hours rehearsing for the episode.
Before their first show, Karnak's members rehearsed for a year, studying not just music but mythology as well.
The members have been rehearsing "The UnPossessed" in the large barn that serves as a living and performance space.
On the stage the members of the stock company were rehearsing next week's piece.
In the Orangery members of the Youth Orchestra were rehearsing for their performance which would take place later that morning.
The members range from 8 to 18 and rehearse four days a week, receiving after-school tutoring as well.
The members rehearse weekly at Severance Hall and are regularly coached by members of the Cleveland Orchestra.
The four members rehearsed five days a week, and took on at least two jobs each to earn enough money to record a 24-track demo tape.
When the future members of Led Zeppelin rehearsed together for the first time in 1968, the first song they played was "Train Kept A-Rollin'".
The members of drama club rehearse several performances every year.