Two other members of his group were racing against the clock to reach the South Pole on Wednesday.
In that moment all members of The Thirty surged from their blankets and raced to Serbitar by the willow.
The following medals have been won by riders representing their country whilst members of the City of Edinburgh Racing Club.
The members of the crew raced to their cannons on the speed conveyors and in the antigrav shafts.
He pushed open the door, and all six members raced into the twilight, their rain slickers forgotten.
Firth and the other members of the Pride ground forces raced alongside the Ursars, their blood singing in exultation as they fought the Grays.
Four members of the frosh crew raced Temple after having rowed only eight times.
As the second-period bell rang on "college sweatshirt day," 14 members of the Italian II class raced to their seats.
As a result of that call, members of the uniformed branch of the Secret Service raced to the mansion.
The members of Ladder Company 170 raced upstairs first to rescue tenants, but they were trapped when a fireball swept down the 10th-floor hallway.