Its members have published important works on the exact sciences, also in the province of philology.
The movement has a daily-updated website where the members publish their articles on various economic and political issues with a liberal viewpoint.
The members held public meetings, discussions, and lectures, and published a journal.
With 2 to 3 issues a year, the members of the team publish their magazine around their personal encounters and interests.
The group's members published articles advocating a Christian democratic Spain.
Also, members of the group translate and publish educational material in their respective countries.
Other members of the Synod published their concerns.
Over the past 6 years, the members of the center has published quite a few number of research papers in different journals.
Its members occasionally publish monographs on topics related to future societal planning.
The program requires members to deal with issues of national importance and to eventually publish their findings in position papers to be submitted to public officials.