It was the first since 1968 on which all four original members performed and produced.
During Gatherings, all members of the community are expected to bring seeds and produce from the most recent harvest.
All four members of Sloan write, produce, and sing their own songs.
The group's members not only produce music but also theater, film, photography, painting, literature, and dance.
Each member produced two works, one of which must be priced under $100.
I mean one member of the committee has produced something which I rather think you might all like to have a look at it.
However, its 13 members produced at least 18.6 million barrels per day in July.
If individual members cheat and produce more oil, there could be another glut.
The members of the committee produce a conference report, intended as the final version of the bill.
The members write and produce all of their music.