For mistakes managed to unleash all kinds of demons on each team, as their members predicted - and feared - they might.
Some members of Parliament predict that these may well pass, while the proposal for a tribunal, as a statutory form of press restriction, would not.
Many members of Parliament today predicted a new election within 12 to 18 months.
If, as many members of Congress predict, military spending begins to decline, the effects on the Western economy could be devastating.
One member predicted that Congress would come to rue the deal.
Mr. Gephardt and other members of the committee predicted that the provision would be approved in the House.
Many members predicted that pressure would build immediately on nonmilitary programs, including the proposal to add a drug benefit to Medicare.
The nomination was generally well received on Capitol Hill, where members of both parties predicted that he would be confirmed.
Some commitee members and others had predicted that he might not.
Even as Congress began its summer break, members predicted the hearings would go until Thanksgiving.