In 1995, she and a number of other aging National Ballet members performed in San Francisco in a piece called In the Middle of the Sunset.
Welles was a member of the program's regular cast, having first performed on The March of Time in March 1935.
Trevor Bannister left in 1993 and the remaining two members performed as a duo.
The performance marked the first time the four members performed together live since 1995.
For halftime, an alumni band composed of almost 1,000 past members performed first a tune, and then a combined performance with current members of the band.
Several other members performed with the band before David Skirving joined as a permanent guitarist.
It was the last time all four members performed together live.
Cage collaborated with members of the Wesleyan music faculty, composed and performed on campus, and was a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in 1960-61 and 1969-70.
Lathan is a senior member of the comedy group Improv Everywhere, having performed in several of the groups public comedic performances.
During a typical show, a total of 89 cast members performed in The Lion King Celebration.