Absorption of the Ethiopian Jews into Israeli society has been complicated by what some members of the community perceive as racism.
Not all members of a group perceive or interpret their history in exactly the same way.
Most members of the UK public perceive the engineer and engineering as a semi-skilled trade and is often looked down upon with disdain.
The black members perceive the unions as white organisations which are either indifferent or hostile to the concerns of black people.
Some members of the committee, Goodenow said, perceive this as a challenge to the existence of the union.
This distinction occurs when members of a particular social group systematically perceive that some members have a structural advantage (such as more money, knowledge, or other resources).
In these situations, leaders often emerge because other members of the group perceive them as adding a lot of value to the group as a whole.
The true church, by contrast, was "invisible": only its members perceived who belonged to it and who did not.
The members of society thus perceive themselves as private individuals, each pursuing their own private and competing interests.
Each member of the group perceives the Building's entrance motto, and thus its purpose, differently.