One member of each team is designated as the Operator and must oversee the entire battle and issue orders to their team.
The suggestion is likely to be opposed by the House Agriculture Committee, whose members oversee domestic farm programs and support the sugar program.
The seven members, who serve four-year terms, oversee the spending of the system's $8.1 billion budget, but City Hall provides more than half the money.
The fifteen members of the police authority oversee the police force, set its targets and allocate funds for its budget.
The nine members of the Board of Trustees oversaw the school's endowment, the building and five acres of land.
Each member of the office oversees a portfolio on an issue such as university recruitment, education, politics, etc.
(Almost - 55 paid members of the Road Runners Club also oversee the race.)
Each member of the team oversees the pastors of various churches and/or other overseers.
In addition to its exploration, campaigning and conservation work the Association's members oversee recreational expeditions underground for the general public.
The five elected members of the Board of Selectmen oversee the day-to-day operations of the town government.