He was a member of the Miami Dolphins, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Oakland Raiders.
Hartwell has also been a member of the Atlanta Falcons, Cincinnati Bengals, and Oakland Raiders.
Henry was also a member of the Frankfurt Galaxy, New York Jets and Oakland Raiders.
Boone has also been a member of the Rhein Fire, Oakland Raiders and Utah Blaze.
Wong was also a member of the Philadelphia Eagles and Oakland Raiders.
Boschetti has also been a member of the New York Sentinels and Oakland Raiders.
He has also been a member of the Minnesota Vikings and Oakland Raiders.
Johnson has also been a member of the Chicago Bears and Oakland Raiders.
Underwood has also been a member of the Denver Broncos, Oakland Raiders, and California Redwoods.
He has also been a member of the Jacksonville Jaguars, Philadelphia Eagles and Oakland Raiders.