If militias had not withdrawn by 20 December, the authorities and members of the public intended to close the whole city to traffic.
Ms. Glenn said members of the defense team interviewed the girl's friends but did not intend to damage her reputation.
This week some members intend to introduce a resolution to allow six months more for economic sanctions on Iraq and diplomacy to work.
Mr. Herchenroder said the association's members never intended to exclude black firefighters.
However, some members intended to take revenge on the emperor's appointees.
It is not clear whether the members of the Ministerium intended for this to be a permanent break, or a temporary protest.
It was unclear if members of that parish also intended to mount an occupation.
As with homosexuality, members of the movement intend to change the way society perceives the experience, and psychiatry's attitude will follow.
He further argues for a cognitive requirement that each member publicly intends the joint activity.
The members also intend to support this as the sanction in the committee and on the floor of the House.